Spectral power density models and Spectral Representation Method
Stochastic process models are responsible for characterising ground motions, representing the stochastic excitations applied upon engineering structures1. To this end, a series of power spectral density models are developed and employed in stochastic dynamic analysis2. Notably, Kanai Tajimi model plays a foundational role3. Beyond which, nonstationary model attract more attention in recent years.
- Define a base Kanai Tajimi model;
- Define both separable and non-separable evolutionary power spectral density models;
- Generate sample realizations via the Spectral Representation Method;
- A general framework enabling easy addition of more nonstationary models via subclassing.
1. Kanai Tajimi PSD model
where \(w_{g}=5 \pi\) rad/s; \(\zeta\) = 0.63; \(S_{0}\) = 0.011;
2. separable EPSD
Define an evolutionary spectrum in the form \(S(\omega, t)=g(t)^2S(\omega)\)
with an example of modulating function: \(g(t)=b(e^{-ct} - e^{-2ct})\) where $b$=4, $c$=0.8
3. non-separable EPSD
An evolutionary spectrum with fully coupled time and frequency nonstationarity. Define an example EPS: \(S(\omega, t) =\frac{\omega^2}{5 \pi} e^{-0.15t} t^{2} e^{-(\frac{\omega}{5 \pi})^2 t}\)
- Spectral Representation Method